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Charity Registration Number: NIC 106791

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The Jubilee Trophy

Winners 2009: Down HS

Honorary Competition Secretary: Ray Menown
(H) 7131 2313 (M) 07 714 212 230 (Email)

By May 17      1st ROUND – draw as for Schools’ Under 15 Cup, except that these fixtures involve the losing teams in Schools’ Under 15 Cup 1st Round fixtures
By May 31      2nd ROUND
By June 7       SEMI-FINALS

FINAL (by arrangement between Finalists)



As for the Ulster Bank Schools’ Cup with the following alterations/additions:

  1. Matches will initially consist of 32 overs and not 40
  2. The age limit shall be Under 15 on 1 July in the year before the competition
  3. Official Umpires will be appointed for the Final
1st Round - by May 17

    Dalriada v Lisneal or bye
    Strabane GS v RBAI
    Ballymena Academy v Ballyclare HS
    Down HS v Parkhall College
    Lurgan College v Larne GS
    RS Armagh v Oakgrove College
    RS Dungannon v Sullivan
    Carrick GS v bye

Second Round - by May 31

    A   Dalriada v Strabane GS or RBAI
    B   Ballymena Academy v Down HS
    C   Lurgan College or Larne GS v RS Armagh
    D   Sullivan v Carrick GS

Semi Finals - by June 14

    A   v   B
    C   v   D

Final (by arrangement between Finalists)