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NCU Junior League 1 - 2011
                    P    W    T    L  NR/V  Pts
North Down II      18   14    0    3    1   56  (C)
Lisburn II         18   11    0    7    0   44
Woodvale II        18   10    1    5    2   42
CIYMS II           18   10    0    7    1   40
Ballymena II       18    9    1    7    1   38
Waringstown II     18    9    0    7    2   36
Bangor II          18    7    0   11    0   28
Instonians II      18    7    0   11    0   28
Lurgan II          18    6    1   11    0   26
Carrickfergus II   18    1    1   15    1    6

#league placings based on 2010 positions
*reflects changes to Junior League structure agreed at 2010 NCU AGM

Winners 2010: Waringstown II

Section Secretary: Michael McDowell

Junior League One Fixtures (PDF)

17 September
North Down II 67-9 (R Irwin 21, P Stewart 2-14, T Hill 2-10, N Connelly 2-5)
Woodvale II 69-1 (N Connelly 18no, R McBride 21, J Gibson 19no)
Woodvale beat North Down by 9 wickets

10 September
North Down II v Woodvale II - postponed

11 September
Woodvale II v North Down II - postponed

10 September
Lurgan II 180
Instonians II 181-4
Instonians beat Lurgan by 6 wickets

CIYMS II beat Waringstown II - Waringstown unable to field a team

7 September
Ballymena II beat CIYMS II - CIYMS unable to field a team

3 September
Waringstown II 181 (S Allen 87)
Lisburn II 182-7 (R Booth 81no, D Graham 37)
Lisburn beat Waringstown by 3 wickets

Bangor II 221
Lurgan II 222 for 3 (P Maxwell 88)
Lurgan beat Bangor by 7 wickets

Woodvale II 184 (S Fleming 77, L Irwin 39, M Mairs 4-29, R Sheard 3-47, R Heasley 2-42)
Instonians II 185-9 (R Kirk 39, R Heasley 47, T Hill 3-25, P Stewart 2-44, D O'Neill 2-35)
Instonians beat Woodvale by 1 wicket

Carrickfergus II v Ballymena II - postponed

29 August
Ballymena II 156 (J Russell 43, N Fullerton 32, P Maxwell 4-20, A Bingham 4-22)
Lurgan II 156-8 (A Johnston 28no, M Taylor 3-20)
Lurgan tied with Ballymena

Woodvale II 196-8 (50 overs, Mi Irwin 45, Ma Irwin 41no, R Monteith 4-49)
CIYMS II 111 (35 overs, C Hunter 45, R McBride 2-22, Ma Irwin 4-38, L Adair 3-12)
Woodvale beat CIYMS by 85 runs

28 August
Woodvale II 181-9 (50 overs, L Irwin 53, D O'Neill 33, K Allen 3-15)
Waringstown II 182-8 (46.2 overs, I Morrison 48, A Waite 34no, L Adair 3-22)
Waringstown beat Woodvale by 2 wickets

Bangor II beat North Down II by 44 runs

27 August
Ballymena II 200-4 (R White 96no, S Colgan 43)
Waringstown II 201-8 (49.3 overs, S Allen 72, M Allen 41)
Waringstown beat Ballymena by 2 wickets

Carrickfergus II 119
CIYMS II 123-2
CIYMS beat Carrickfergus II by 8 wickets

Lisburn II 60 (M Foster 37no, T Spiers 4-14, S Cumper 4-15)
Bangor II 61-0
Bangor beat Lisburn by 10 wickets

North Down II beat Lurgan II

24 August
Lisburn II 116-5 (A Berry 59)
Instonians II 114 (M Foster 3-25)
Lisburn beat Instonians by 2 runs

21 August
Woodvale II 258-6 (Ma Irwin 92no, S Fleming 39, R McBride 38no, J Hewitt 4-48)
Bangor II 142 (M English 60, , R McBride 2-28, D O'Neill 5-43)
Woodvale beat Bangor by 116 runs

North Down II 164 (R McMillan 40, A Beattie 4-52)
CIYMS II 111 (M Hingston 35)
North Down beat CIYMS by 53 runs

20 August
Ballymena II 220-7 (R White 108no)
Lisburn II 222-7 (J O’Hara 60, G Crowe 39, P Ferguson 30no) by 3 wickets
Lisburn beat Ballymena by 3 wickets

Bangor II 213
Waringstown II 216–2 (K Allen 101no, G Heyburn 76no)
Waringstown beat Bangor by 8 wickets

Woodvale II 223 (C Storey 113no, S Rutherford 38, G Dempster 30, J McAuley 5-43,
A Hutton 2-34)
Carrickfergus II 83 (S Jackson 30, S Fleming 3-24, S Donnelly 3-25)
Woodvale beat Carrick by 140 runs

North Down II beat Instonians II by 9 wickets

19 August
Lisburn II beat Waringstown II by 20 runs

16 August
Lisburn II 83 (D Thompson 5-13, R White 3-14)
Ballymena II 84-3 (S Colgan 45no)
Ballymena beat Lisburn by 7 wickets

13 August
CIYMS II beat Instonians II

Ballymena II 211-9 (C Williams 68, S Colgan 38, B Adams 3-31)
North Down II 212-9 (K Donnelly 72no, J Terrett 35, D Thompson 3-54, F Taylor 3-60)
North Down beat Ballymena by 1 wicket

Lisburn II 284-8 (J O'Hara 98, G Crowe 48, P Ritchie 3-50, A Hutton 2-43)
Carrickfergus II 66 (M Foster 5-14)
Lisburn beat Carrick by 218 runs

12 August
Ballymena II v North Down II - postponed
North Down II beat Ballymena II - re-arranged match conceded by Ballymena

9 August
Lisburn II 118-8 (20 overs, G Halliday 32, R McConkey 27, R McBride 3-16)
Woodvale II 121-1 (17.3 overs, S Fleming 59no, Mi Irwin 37no, M Berry 1-22)
Woodvale beat Lisburn by 9 wickets

7 August
Carrick II 57 (A Taggart 6-1)
CIYMS beat Carrick by 8 wickets

Woodvale II v Lisburn II - postponed due to Ulster Plate Semi Final

6 August
Carrickfergus II 204 (G Thompson 80)
Instonians II 205-1
Instonians beat Carrick by 9 wickets

North Down II beat Bangor II

CIYMS II v Ballymena II - abandoned

Waringstown II v Woodvale II - postponed due to Junior Cup Final

3 August
Carrick II 80
Lurgan II 81-1
Lurgan beat Carrick by 9 wickets

31 July
Bangor II 178-1 (D McCusker 63no, J Hewitt 60no)
Waringstown II 166-6 (G Heyburn 31, J Hewitt 3-29)
Bangor beat Waringstown by 12 runs

30 July
Ballymena II 271-9 (D Thompson 64, R White 50, C Williams 47, F Taylor 36, J Sarwar 4-55,
B Alexander 3-54)
Instonians II 189 (P Bardgett 50, R Martin 47no, C Kirk 36, C Williams 3-24)
Ballymena beat Instonians by 82 runs

Carrickfergus II 198 (I Walker 52, G Thompson 45, P Ritchie 26, J Elliott 5-35, T Spiers 3-49)
Bangor II 201-4 (J Hewitt 131no, R Finlay 26, Chris Cassell 3-40)
Bangor beat Carrick by 6 wickets

Lisburn II 297-9 (G Crowe 84, G Halliday 39, M Gleave 37, N McDowell 33, G Elliott 33,
S Flanagan 4-66)
CIYMS II 179 (T Adams 40, D Suffern 6-45)
Lisburn beat CIYMS by 118 runs

North Down II beat Waringstown II by 7 wickets

Woodvale II beat Lurgan II - Lurgan unable to field a team

24 July
North Down II beat Instonians II by 9 wickets

Woodvale II 165-7
CIYMS II 166-6 (C Boultwood 53no)
CIYMS beat Woodvale by 4 wickets

23 July
Carrickfergus II 79
North Down II 80-3
North Down beat Carrick by 7 wickets

CIYMS II beat Bangor II by 3 wickets

Woodvale II beat Lurgan II by 90 runs

Waringstown II beat Instonians II by 90 runs

16 July
Carrickfergus II 214-9
Lurgan II 215-1 (G Hunter 105no)
Lurgan beat Carrickfergus by 9 wickets

Ballymena II 222-9 (S Colgan 116no)
Bangor II 225-5 (49.4 overs, J McKeown 66, M English 53)
Bangor beat Ballymena by 5 wickets

Waringstown II v CIYMS II - postponed
Woodvale II v North Down II - postponed due to Junior Cup
Lisburn II v Instonians II - postponed due to Junior Cup

15 July
Woodvale II 223-5 (32 overs, Mi Irwin 82, Ma Irwin 82, S Colgan 2-27)
Ballymena II 215-7 (32 overs, S Colgan 73, D Montgomery 37, J Martin 33, J Burnside 2-35)
Woodvale beat Ballymena by 8 runs

14 July
Waringstown II beat Lurgan II by 6 wickets

10 July
Carrickfergus II 207 (C Campbell 88, J Campbell 27, A Haggan 24, R McBride 4-32,
M Warke 3-45)
Woodvale II 207-9 (G Dempster 39, C Storey 36, M Campbell 3-19, S Grant 2-24)
Carrick tied with Woodvale

9 July
CIYMS II beat Lurgan II by 6 wickets

North Down II 273 (G Patterson 66, D Graham 55, N Anderson 31, D Kelly 3-45)
Lisburn II 134 (D Graham 28, G Halliday 23, C Atkinson 20, S Irvine 4-38, K Donnelly 3-8)
North Down beat Lisburn by 139 runs

Ballymena II 215-4 (W Montgomery 78, S Colgan 68)
Woodvale II 165 (S Donnelly 52, P Black 4-22, R White 4-23)
Ballymena II beat Woodvale II by 50 runs

Carrickfergus II 126
Waringstown II 127-4
Waringstown beat Carrickfergus by 6 wkts

Bangor II 111 (D McCusker 39, J Sawar 5-24)
Instonians II 112-5 (C Livingstone 32no, J Wylie 29no)
Instonians beat Bangor by 5 wickets

5/6 July
Lurgan II 163 (P Haire 48, J Dowds 30)
Lisburn II 97 (C Grieve 5-18)
Lurgan beat Lisburn by 66 runs

3 July
North Down II 271 (N Burns 101, P Eakin 41, A Haire 31, D Graham 27, R McMillan 25)
CIYMS II 273-8 (M Hingston 105, R Boultwood 47, M Brittain 42, W Adams 2-34, L Moore 2-6)
CIYMS beat North Down by 2 wickets

2 July
Ballymena II 254-8 (C Williams 67, R White 64, A Burton 5-58)
Carrickfergus II 152 (J Campbell 40, R White 4-29)
Ballymena beat Carrick by 102 runs

North Down II 248-7 (D Graham 88, R Ewing 72, S Irvine 20, G Archer 4-48, M Bann 2-38)
Lurgan II 71 (J Dowds 23, N Crozier 15, S Irvine 3-5, O Dent 3-9, L Moore 2-9)
North Down beat Lurgan by 177 runs

Woodvale II 226-9 (S Fleming 53, R McBride 52no, M Kwelu 4-31)
Bangor II 204 (P McMillan 79, K King 39, C Storey 3-43)
Woodvale beat Bangor by 22 runs

Waringstown II v Lisburn II - postponed

28/29 June
CIYMS II 182 (J Moore 36, D Thompson 4-47)
Ballymena II 133 (F Taylor 49, R Monteith 3-21)
CIYMS beat Ballymena by 49 runs

26 June
Carrickfergus II 147 (I Walker 74, R Wilson 5-26)
Bangor II 118 (P Harper 23, A Haggan 6-31, S Grant 2-22)
Carrick beat Bangor by 29 runs

North Down II 227 (R Ewing 56, L Moore 32, S Irvine 24, G Heyburn 4-40, A Harrison 3-23)
Waringstown II 150 (P Currie 39, M Allen 31, L Moore 6-37, S Irvine 2-0)
North Down beat Waringstown by 77 runs

25 June
Ballymena II beat Waringstown II by 25 runs

Lurgan II beat Instonians II by 7 wickets

Bangor II beat Lisburn II by 17 runs

Carrickfergus II v CIYMS II - postponed

18 June
Bangor II v Waringstown II - abandoned
CIYMS II v Woodvale II - postponed
Lisburn II v Ballymena II - postponed
North Down II v Instonians II - postponed

11 June
Instonians II 302-7 (50 overs, M Maxwell 99no, P Neill 71, R McKibbin 53, R Simpson 4-56)
CIYMS II 257 (46.3 overs, C Boultwood 115, R Monteith 71, R Boultwood 57no,
W Dale 3-76)
Instonians beat CIYMS by 45 runs

Bangor II beat Lurgan II by 9 wickets

Carrick II 79 (Richard Booth 7-5)
Lisburn II 85-3
Lisburn beat Carrick by 7 wickets

Ballymena II 18-0 v North Down II - abandoned

10 June
Instonians II 174 (41.1 overs, R Sheard 65, R McCurry 38, P Black 4-14)
Ballymena II 175-9 (43 overs, D Thompson 32, N Jacques 2-22)
Ballymena beat Instonians by 1 wicket

7/8/9 June
Lisburn II 205-3 (J O'Hara 78no, G Elliott 56)
Lisburn beat CIYMS by 7 wickets
(Lisburn revised target 205 in 46 overs)

Waringstown II v Lurgan II - postponed

5 June
North Down II v Bangor II - postponed

4 June
Lisburn II 190 (D Graham 64)
Woodvale II 158
Lisburn beat Woodvale by 32 runs

Instonians II 346 (R McKibbin 88, M Maxwell 77, R McCurry 46, T McConkey 4-60,
P Richie 3-59)
Carrickfergus II 244 (T Kane 122, A Burton 37, R McCurry 3-39, Z Booley 3-42)
Instonians beat Carrickfergus by 102 runs

29 May
Woodvale II v Carrickfergus II - postponed

24/25/26 May
Lurgan II beat CIYMS II

28 May
CIYMS II v North Down II - postponed
Lurgan II v Carrickfergus II - postponed
Woodvale II v Ballymena II - postponed

21 May
CIYMS II v Lisburn II - postponed
North Down II v Waringstown II - postponed
Ballymena II v Instonians II - postponed
Carrickfergus II v Bangor II - postponed
Woodvale II v Lurgan II - postponed

8 May
Woodvale II 226
Instonians II 118
Woodvale beat Instonians by 108 runs

7 May
Lurgan II 215-6 (P Haire 91no, J Harrison 62, M Berry 3-26)
Lisburn II 216-8 (C Atkinson 55no, J Bell 39, G Hunter 2-33, N Crozier 2-41, M Bann 2-44)
Lisburn beat Lurgan by 2 wickets

Carrick II 190 (44 overs, R Ritchie 38, W Mohammed 37, N Anderson 5-30, A Shields 2-19, W Adams 2-41)
North Down II 194-4 (26.4 overs, A Shields 86no, M Campbell 54, W Mohammed 2-46)
North Down beat Carrick by 6 wickets

Waringstown II beat Instonians II - Instonians unable to field a team

Bangor II beat CIYMS II but played an unregistered player - Match to CIYMS

2 May
Bangor II 197 (C Harte 34, R Wilson 35, F Taylor 4-21)
Ballymena II 200-6 (41 overs, D Montgomery 96, J Martin 27, P Ervine 26)
Ballymena beat Bangor by 4 wickets

Instonians II 162 (P Bardgett 90, A McKeown 5-40, M Berry 3-27)
Lisburn II 164-3 (J O'Hara 81no, J McCallan 30no)
Lisburn beat Instonians by 7 wickets

Lurgan II 242-5 (C Grieve 59no, J McCollum 50, A Harrison 2-24)
Waringstown II 243-4 (D Dawson 82, I Morrison 76, C Grieve 2-48)
Waringstown beat Lurgan by 6 wickets

30 April
Ballymena II beat Lurgan II
(Points to Ballymena II as Lurgan couldn't field a team)

Instonians II 161 (36.5 overs, J Mellor 38, P Neill 80no, C Walton 3-34, R Wilson 2-27)
Bangor II 162-4 (25.3 overs, R Law 88no, J Mellor 2-41, K Kalakoda 2-43)
Bangor beat Instonians by 6 wickets but played an unregistered player -
Match to Instonians

North Down II 246 (P Eakin 59, G Patterson 38, M Berry 3-30, N McDowell 3-33)
Lisburn II 79 (K Donnelly 3-7, A Shields 3-21)
North Down beat Lisburn by 179 runs

Waringstown II 343-3 (D Dawson 140, A Waite 105, S Allen 40)
Carrickfergus II 82 (J Nation 4-21, J Stokes 3-14, K Lyness 2-18)
Waringstown beat Carrick by 263 runs