NCU Club Coaches' Workshop
NCU Representative Cricket Directorate Nigel Jones, Simon Johnston and Michael Hingston held a very successful workshop attended by more than 30 Club Coaches at University of Ulster, Jordanstown on Sunday 13th October. It is hoped that these Coaches will form the nucleus of a newly reinvigorated NCU Coaches' Association to be launched in the New Year. Based on the enthusiastic response to this session the Union intend scheduling further Workshops targeting those areas that emerged from the feedback today. It is envisaged that these sessions will both inspire some of those attending to take the first step on the Coaching Pathway while at the same time provide an opportunity for others to complete their ongoing qualifications. Details of these future Workshops will be posted on this Website and any other Coaches wishing to become involved at that stage should contact Michael Hingston by email at: or by phone on 07595 382 115 |
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