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Underage Development Tour to South Africa Update

NCU Representative Directorate

The NCU have released further details regarding the Underage Development Tour to South Africa scheduled for March/April 2015.

A number of changes have been made to the squad previously announced.

Due to other sporting commitments Adam Dennison, Jack Carson, James Humphreys and James Hume are now unable to travel to South Africa.

They have been replaced in the party by:

  • Robin Sinton (Armagh)
  • John Glass (Ballymena)
  • Johnny Browne (Ballymena)
  • Oliver Metcalfe (Instonians)

The inclusion of these players brings to 16 the number of NCU Clubs represented on the trip.

In addition the coaches of both teams have met and named the following players as Captains and Vice-Captains of the respective groups:

Under 17

  • Stuart Nelson (Cregagh) Captain (picture top right)
  • Sam Wilson (Waringstown) Vice-Captain
  • John Matchett (CIYMS) Vice-Captain

Under 15

  • James McClean (Ballymena) Captain (pictured bottom right)
  • Jonathan Waite (Waringstown) Vice-Captain
  • Harry Warke (Templepatrick) Vice-Captain  

A ‘Night at the Races’ fundraiser has been organised for Friday 23rd January at the Beechlawn Hotel, Dunmurry. Proceeds from this will go directly to reduce the cost for each of the players.

The Union would encourage members of all clubs to lend their support in whatever way they can and also by attending this event, further details of which will be released in due course.