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The Wesley Ferris Cup

Winners 2014: Inchmarlo

Honorary Competition Secretary: Simon Thompson (M) 079 6763 1544 (E)

First Round - by 1st May
    A	Coleraine Academical Institution beat Ballyclare Secondary School
    B	Inchmarlo beat Down High School
Second Round - by 8th May
    C	Inchmarlo beat Coleraine Academical Institution
    D	Lurgan Junior High School beat Campbell College 'C'
    E	Royal School Armagh beat RBAI 'C'
    F	Campbell College Junior School beat Banbridge Academy
    G	Ballyclare High School beat Regent House School
    H	Grosvenor Grammar School beat Antrim Grammar School
    I	Lisneal College beat Royal School Dungannon
    J	Carrickfergus Grammar School beat Parkhall Integrated College
Third Round - by 22nd May
    K	Inchmarlo		v  Lurgan Junior High School
    L	Royal School Armagh	v  Campbell College Junior School
    M	Ballyclare High School	v  Grosvenor Grammar School
    N	Lisneal College		v  Carrickfergus Grammar School
Semi Finals - by 5th June
    O	K  v  L
    P	M  v  N
Final - by 19th June
    Inchmarlo 120-7 (20 overs, R Ellerby 38, R Craigan 32no, J Allen 3-21)
    Grosvenor GS 118-6 (20 overs, J Topping 37)
    Inchmarlo beat Grosvenor GS by 2 runs to retain the Cup