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Derriaghy awarded a Sports Bag worth £1,000 from SportNI

David Skelton and Rodney HughesDavid Skelton

As a Clubmark accredited club Derriaghy were delighted recently when, following the completion of a Sport NI survey, they were awarded a Sports Bag worth £1,000.

Funding for 150 bags was provided by the Northern Ireland Executive 'Together Building a United Community Programme' strategy which recognises the important role that sport plays in promoting and enhancing good relations between various sections of NI society.

DCAL are supporting grassroots clubs using sport for development and to better understand the challenges facing volunteers involved in such work.  Two volunteers from the club, Rodney Hughes and David Skelton attended a workshop based on 'Enhancing Good Relations Through Sport' after which they received their bag.

The club will use many of the sports items included in the bag with their ongoing coaching programme in local schools as well as at club level during the year.