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Charity Registration Number: NIC 106791

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The Harry Eadie Memorial Shield

Winners 2015: Not Awarded (insufficient completed matches)

Honorary Competition Secretary: Chris Harte (H) 9146 8001 (M) 079 6946 2314 (e)

PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS - 2016: Bangor Grammar School, Belfast Royal Academy, Foyle College, RBAI

The Eadie Shield competition is based on 80-overs matches, allowing for the possibility of a draw, with bonus points for batting and bowling, and no compulsory declarations (but the regulations regarding drawn games make declarations advisable).
    No. of overs
    Cut-off point
    if 80
    if 70
    if 90
      Bonus points – Batting (only available up to half of total overs):
      100 - 1, 120 - 2, 140 - 3, 160 - 4, 180 - 5
      Bonus points – Bowling (available at any time):
      5 wickets - 1, 6 - 2, 7 - 3, 8 - 4, 9 – 5

    2. A tie is a game in which both sides score the same number of runs, regardless of the number of wickets lost.

    3. In drawn matches, if the side batting first goes past the cut-off point it loses 1 point for every over or part over it faces. That/those point(s) automatically goes/go to the opposition. If the side batting first declares before the mid-point it automatically receives 1 point from the opposing team for every complete over it did not use before the mid-point.

    4. Teams should agree a latest finishing time. If, during the first innings, it becomes clear that the total overs cannot be completed by the latest finishing time, the mid-point and cut-off point may be re-calculated by mutual agreement. In the case of delay in the second innings, matches may be agreed as drawn if there are 8 overs, or fewer, remaining but no further bonus points can be gained by either side.

    5. MCC Laws on wides will apply, but persistent negative bowling must be penalised.

    6. Matches cancelled or abandoned before the completion of 1 innings due to weather, or any other unforeseen circumstance accepted by the Competition Secretary, may be re-arranged by agreement. Nonavailability of players will not be accepted as an unforeseen circumstance. Re-arrangements must be agreed within 7 days of the original date for the fixture. No existing fixture may be cancelled to make way for a rearrangement. No re-arrangement may be set for the week immediately preceding the Final. A match may be re-arranged more than once so long as all the other conditions are fulfilled.

    7. All results, including details of good individual performances, should be forwarded to the Honorary Competition Secretary.