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The Reggie Morgan Memorial Cup

Winners 2017: Down High School/Foyle College

Honorary Competition Secretary: D H McKillen (H) 9336 1089 (M) 07910 000483 (e)

1st Round (by 11th May)
    M Ballyclare High School - bye
    N Carrickfergus Grammar School beat Regent House by 7 wickets
    O Sullivan Upper beat Belfast High School by 7 wickets
    P Bangor Grammar School beat BRA by 9 wickets
    Q - v -
    R Foyle College - bye
    S Royal School Armagh - bye
    T Parkhall College - bye
    BRA 18 (M Turpitt 2-2, C Orr 3-8, R Christie 2-0)
    Bangor Grammar School 19-1 (M Carson 11no)
    Bangor Grammar School beat BRA by 9 wickets
    Regent House 68-5
    Carrickfergus Grammar School 69-3
    Carrickfergus Grammar School beat Regent House by 7 wickets
    Belfast High School 67-6 
    Sullivan Upper 68-3
    Sullivan Upper beat Belfast High School by 7 wickets
Second Round (by 25th May)
    U   Ballyclare High School beat Carrickfergus Grammar School by 8 wickets
    V   Bangor Grammar beat Sullivan by 3 wickets
    W   Foyle College - bye
    X   Royal School Armagh beat Parkhall College
    Carrickfergus Grammar School 66
    Ballyclare High School 68-2 (A Darragh 42no)
    Ballyclare High School beat Carrickfergus Grammar School by 8 wickets
    Sullivan Upper 117-5
    Bangor Grammar School 118-7 (R Christie 56no)
    Bangor Grammar School beat Sullivan by 3 wickets
Semi Finals (by 8th June)
    Ballyclare High School 81-4 (P Gillespie 28, B McCallan 17no, C Orr 2-7)
    Bangor Grammar School 82-7 (M Carson 13, C Orr 10)
    Bangor Grammar School beat Ballyclare High School by 3 wickets
    Foyle College beat Royal School Armagh
Final - at Bangor Grammar School on Wednesday 27th June - Start 11.30am
    Foyle College 117-5 (R Higgins 39, J McKillop 32)
    Bangor Grammar School 98-7
    Foyle College beat Bangor Grammar School by 19 runs
A team losing its first match in the Cup will play the appropriate fellow-loser by the date of the next round in accordance with the Cup draw.
The date and venue of the Final will be by agreement.